Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Don't Handle Rejection Well

If you know me, you know that I'm one of those heart-on-my-sleeve kinda girls.  I know that I probably take things way too personally and I don't always know how to handle it.  So I've sent out a lot of resumes.  You wouldn't believe how many rejection emails I've received.  Also, the interview I had yesterday at 2pm?  Well, it was between me and another candidate (he was male).  The position was to be working with two other females.  I thought I had it in the bag.  You know, all us women need to stick together type of thing.  Well, I got that rejection phone call today.  They decided to go with the guy.  I got the whole, "You're too experienced" line.  Right.  Too much experience.  That's a real problem.  I don't think I come across as a girl who has so much ambition, I'd be vying for the CEO role.  Whatever.  I'm over the whole crying jag.  I realize now, reflecting on it, that the company is perhaps a bit too stuffy for me anyway.  I'm just so desperate for a job.  I need to get over that.  Jim (realizing how upset all this is making me) is now telling me to just take my time and find the right spot and to stop being so hard on myself.  Easy for someone who's got a job to say, though.  They liked him so much they paid to move the both of us and our stuff across the world.  Just sayin'.

But I just got a call back from the recruiting agent who sent me on the interview yesterday afternoon at 4pm.  She says that they really like me and want me to go back tomorrow at 3pm and meet with their accountant.  So that means that tomorrow morning at 9:45am we go to sign the lease on the new apartment and then tomorrow afternoon I have my second interview (they call it an informal meeting - LOL).  Keep your fingers, toes, etc crossed.

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