Saturday, April 14, 2012

Interesting Stuff

First I want to apologize because I saw something called Sugar Soap and I couldn't get a photo without everyone knowing that I'm a crazy person.  And really... that's never stopped me before.  But I was with HWWNLBN and he embarrasses easily.  So I will resort to just attaching a link, if you're as intrigued as I am.

Sugar Soap

While in Bunnings Warehouse, I also saw some clothespins.  Only they're not called clothespins.  They call them clothes pegs.  And they're much prettier.  :)

Now for the moment everyone's been waiting for...


I know... I know...  You all thought we'd never pick one.  Well, we have.  It has 6 settings for toastiness.  The first time I used it, I decided to set it right in the middle at 3.5.  I ended up having to pop the toast myself and it was mostly char.  So now it's permanently set at about 1.5.  Here it is in all its glory:

And finally, I've been talking quite a bit about Cheezels.  Thought I'd at least show all of you what I'm talking about.  Here they are:

I broke down today and bought a small bag.  I am completely in love with Cheezels.  I like to pick them up with a pinkie or some other finger and pop it in my mouth!  The big cheezy goodness bursts upon my tongue with a sharp burn that can't be resisted.  Then suddenly the bag is empty and I'm left wondering who took all my Cheezels?

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