Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chatswood Street Fair 2012

I didn't take very many pics.  It was a typical street fair.  I love them, but not so much in the way of photo opportunities.  Before going, I was told about something called "chips on a stick."  I was curious and had never seen them before.  Well, here they are at the Chatswood street fair in all their glory:

Woman holding chips on a stick

Little boy holding his chips on a stick

Chips on a stick waiting for seasoning and a happy stomach!

This is one of the bands that were performing.  I did not record them for any reason except the cute little kids dancing in the front.  Video after the photos.  LOL!

This next video is an orchestra performance:

Lil Shoe

Mr. Smith and I have found our lil shoe.  It's an inside thing between us, but I just had to post pics.  It's so freakin cute!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

New Driver's License

I got my new NSW Australian driver's license on Thursday!  I don't have a car here in Sydney, but that's just a technicality.  LOL

You have to wait until you've been in Australia for 6 months before they will give you a license.  What Mr. Smith and I didn't realize is that you have to have been in Australia for 6 CONTINUOUS months before they'll give you a license.  So, I have a license, but he may never have one.  He went to Taipei on business a couple of months ago and it looks like they are sending him back this month, so the six month countdown will begin again.

We were only concerned because he would like to buy a motorcycle out here and they will not finance anyone who is not licensed in Australia.  So we are going for test rides today and will find out if they will let me finance the bike, even though I'm NOT licensed to drive one.

Could this get any more difficult?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome Spring!

These flowers just started to bloom around Sydney and yesterday was the first day of Spring.  Coincidence?  I think not!

SIMS Harbour Hike

Mr. Smith and I decided to participate in the SIMS Harbour Hike today (Australian Father's Day), 02 September 2012.  It was a great way to see more of Sydney.  We found a nice park we would like to walk back to another time.  Of course, I took lots of photos and some videos:

You could see clear to the bottom!

I loved this tree.

Mr. Smith loved this house.


I can't believe someone has a pool out there.

I think this must be 42 Wallaby Way

Beautiful calla lilies growing in the wild.

This was our route.

Last check point.  You can see the entrance to Sydney Harbour.

Pirate ship!

That's NOT our apartment building.  LOL

I hope no one gets ill watching this video.
I tried to show what it was like to be on the trail.